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Lord Meher (Volume 7)
By Bhau Kalchuri
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Lord Meher, the 20-volume biography of Avatar Meher Baba. In October 1968, Baba gave instructions to write a biography and He wanted the life of the five perfect masters included in this book. After Baba dropped the body in January 1969, Bhau collected material for the biography. From September 1971 to December 1972, Bhau wrote the Nothing and the Everything, Lord Meher, and other books. Bhau Kalchuri worked 15-18 hours a day, writing like a machine, and not thinking about what he was writing. Lord Meher is almost a day to day account of Meher Baba’s life and work with immense rare photographs, his messages and teachings.
Persian Translation by Arjang Arjang
Copyright © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust

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